Adjacent Increasing Subarrays Detection I - Leetcode contest 423 Problem Solution

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  1. Edge case check: If the array has fewer than 2 * k elements, it's impossible to find two adjacent subarrays of length k, so we return false immediately.

  2. Sliding window logic:

    • We slide through the array with a starting index i such that i goes from 0 to n - 2*k (this ensures that we have enough elements for two adjacent subarrays).
    • For each window of length k, we check if the elements within the window are strictly increasing by checking if each element is smaller than the next one.
    • Once we check the first subarray, we check the second subarray starting at i + k and ensure it's also strictly increasing.
  3. Return result: If both subarrays are strictly increasing, return true. Otherwise, continue sliding through the array. If no such pair is found, return false.

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